Oddwalk Ministries

Oddblog 10,000th Visitor Sweepstakes!

As Orin’s car continues to approach 200,000 miles (199,710 this morning), the Oddblog is rapdly approaching a major milestone of its own – its 10,000 visitor, according to SiteMeter.

So, here’s the deal – from SiteMeter we also get limited information about our visitors: perhaps where geographically they checked from, for how long, how they got to the Oddblog, which OS and what screen resolution was being used, etc.

We don’t use this info for any reason other than to satisfy our curiosity, to try to see what people are looking for on the blog, and so forth. But perhaps we can find another use:

Our 10,000th visitor – or the next one after 10,000 which is both identifiable and not us or our families – that person will win $30 of Oddwalk merchandise credit to use however he or she wishes.

When we have that many visits, sometime in the next week or two, we’ll post as much info as seems appropriate about that 10,000th visit back here on the blog. If you recognize yourself and can convince us that that was you (shouldn’t be too hard), the prize is yours.

We may even, when we get quite close, throw up a post for you all to comment in with the time and place of your comment so if you’re the magic 10,000th, you can be easily awarded the prize.

You can check our visits status by looking at the SiteMeter widget at the bottom of the sidebar.

Stay tuned, and keep visiting the Oddblog for your chance to win!

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