Oddwalk Ministries

Fill Us, O God

Words and Music by Orin Johnson & Shannon Cerneka

We are drowning in thirst,
Full to bursting, but empty;
Asking for daily bread,
But taking more than we need.

Empty our heart, O God
Help us hunger and thirst for you
Fill us with love and compassion
Guide us in your truth

Though God calls us to love
It’s our pride that compels us.
We serve only ourselves
Not God nor our neighbors in need.

Fill us, O God.
Take away our pride. Fill us with your love.
Take away our greed. Fill us with your love.
Take away our jealousy. Fill us with your love.
Take away our apathy. Fill us with your love.

Bring us out to the sand,
In the desert transform us.
Strip away all that we have.
And challenge our souls with your Word.

©2010, 2015, Orin Johnson & Shannon Cerneka, © 2018 WLP Publications