Oddwalk Ministries

God of the Covenants

Words and Music by Orin Johnson

A clean heart create for me, O God,
God of the covenants of old.
You are our God, and we are your people:
write your law upon our heart.

God of Noah, God of the flood,
God of the covenants of old.
Wash our sins away, give us hope again:
write your law up-on our heart.

God of Isaac and Abraham,
God of the covenants of old.
Bless us in your love, as we trust your word:
write your law upon our heart.

God of promise, God of hope,
God of the covenants of old.
Show us, through your son, your new covenant:
write your law upon our heart.

©2009, 2014, 2015, Orin Johnson, ©2018, WLP Publications