This Tuesday, October 24, Oddwalk turns thirteen years old. Happy Oddiversary to us! We expect to celebrate our jump into these adolescent years by staring at our phones while someone is speaking to us, gushing about our favorite YouTuber, and rolling our eyes at Mom’s “oldies” radio station as it pumps out ancient hits by…
19 search results for "youth ministry extravaganza"
Calendar, 2016
Catholic Schools Week 2016: — January 29 — Immacolata Catholic School, St. Louis, MO — February 1 — Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, Columbia, MO — February 4 — St. Teresa Catholic School, Belleville, IL — February 5 — Holy Childhood School, Mascoutah, IL February 5 – Luke 18 Concert, Belleville IL February 6 & 20…
The Games of the XXIII Liturginerd Olympiad – NCCYM 2016
The Games of the XXIII Liturginerd Olympiad – NCCYM 2016 Friday Youth Ministry Extravaganza, December 2, 2016 Want an MP3 of the theme? Click here! Want to know the live joke we “technical difficulties-ed” out of this version? Contact us!
catholicism, GIA, joke, liturgy, merchandise, ministry, music, NCCYM, oddwalkia, parody, pope, prayer, retreat, scripture, travel, video
NCCYM 2016 Videos
This past weekend, Oddwalk was invited to take on several roles that exemplify the things we find important in our ministries, at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry in San Jose, California. We are grateful for these opportunities, whether it’s leading prayer, encouraging audience participation, making people laugh, or commenting on our retreat ministry. Here are a few videos of those moments.
First, here we are, with Shannon’s wife Erin, singing a prelude before the Saturday morning mass, a piece by Orin titled “To Know Darkness,” published by GIA Publications and on our “Walk Away Different” CD.
Next, here we are talking a bit about our retreat ministry at a “Great Ideas” session later that day.
But a highlight for us of these NCCYM weekends is the “Youth Ministry Extravaganza” a chance for folks like us, who “do what we do,” to thank the youth ministers (and others) in attendance and hopefully feed their souls through, among other things, humor. We relish the chance to create original “set pieces” for this night (previously “May God Bless and Keep You,” “Songs We Should Never Record” and others); this year, thanks to an idea from our friend Erin Brennan, we created a segment where we pretend to be covering the Games of the XXIII Liturginerd Olympiad.
For a couple extra “goodies” related to the Liturginerd Olympics, click here! Thanks San Jose and the NFCYM for a great conference, see you next year at NCYC!
announcements, catholicism, friends, liturgy, ministry, music, NCCYM, oddwalkia, travel
Oddwalk at NCCYM 2016
Where will you find us at NCCYM? Just check our handy guide:
12/1 3:15pm – Netsourcing session, music & liturgy N09
12/1 7:00pm – National Youth Ministry Award introduction
12/2 8:00pm – Youth Ministry Extravaganza
12/3 8:00am – Music Ministry for Daily Mass
12/3 2:15pm – Part of Great Ideas workshop
And of course in the exhibit hall when it’s open. Check your program books for more details. Hope to say hi to many friends old and new!
announcements, catholicism, friends, joke, Judaism, keytar, liturgy, Mary, ministry, music, NCCYM, odd, oddwalkia, parody, pets, pOddcast, video, website
Songs We Should Never Record – NCCYM 2014
Hello NPM 2021! Thanks for visiting. We had a great time at this year’s convention, and hope you did too, whether in person or virtually. Below is the webpage we set up when we debuted “Songs We Should Never Record” at NCCYM in 2014. Enjoy watching the video of that below!
You can also check out older videos of The Liturginerd Olympics and “May God Bless and Keep You” as well as the rest of our site of course. Thanks again for dropping in!
Hello everybody! Boy, did we have a blast at NCCYM in San Antonio this past weekend – we hope you did too. We’re happy to make available to our visitors, absolutely free, our small piece of the Friday Night Youth Ministry Extravaganza, “Songs We Should Never Record.”
We also want to add a special word of thanks to our friend Mike Kivett, who penned the words to “There They Go, Lord.” Mike is a great live audio technician, he helped us with our first couple self-produced CDs, and most importantly is an all around good egg. When he heard some our silly stuff we were asking him to record, he shared with us his little creation, and we’re certainly glad he did. Thanks, Mike!
And thanks as well to the NFCYM for a great conference as always, and great NCYCs the other years. See you next fall in Indy!
PS – A couple people have asked us about the lyrics to the “Stand By Your Man” parody we sang as part of the finale of the night. Those words were written by Bob Rice, here they are:
Sometimes its hard to be a pastor,
Caring for all those ministries.
Absolving all those sins, the roof is caving in,
And the youth room needs a 55 inch flat screen high definition TV.
Stand by your man,
Give him an ear to listen.
It’s hard, he’s always giving,
And you are kind of needy.
Stand by your man,
And even if he’s awkward,
Make him look as cool as you can,
Baby! Stand by your man.
NCCYM, oddwalkia
Where to Find Us: NCCYM 2014
Look for us at the NCCYM in San Antonio this weekend!
– Thursday, 12/4, 3:15pm – Netsourcing Session N09: Engaging Youth in Liturgical Life, Room 006B
– Friday, 12/5, 9:00pm – Youth Ministry Extravaganza with several of our friends!
– All conference long in the Exhibit Hall, Booth #306
Hope to see you there!
ministry, music, NCCYM, oddwalkia, parody, travel
NCCYM and Wishin’ Wonderland
Oddwalk had a great time at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry over the weekend in Orlando, FL. We saw a lot of old friends and met a few new ones as well. We also had the opportunity to share our ministry in a variety of settings, including the Center for Ministry Development booth, the Resource Expo Stage, a breakout session, and the Youth Ministry Extravaganza. All of these went extremely well. Congratulations goes out to the NFCYM staff and the Orlando volunteers for a great conference.
Since a few of you have asked us for the lyrics to the song we performed at the Youth Ministry Extravaganza, we’ve decided to list them here. Enjoy!
Wishin’ Wonderland
(parody of Winter Wonderland)
Adapted by Shannon Cerneka and Orin Johnson (Oddwalk Ministries)
Orin: It’s staff meeting Monday, I’m falling asleep, The principal’s fighting with the DRE,
Someone keeps moving the school desks at CCD.
No one really knows what it is that I do,
My office is tiny and my budget is too,
Meanwhile, down at the [superlong mega-seeker-church name] they have more money than they know what to do with,
I can’t imagine what I’d do with a budget like that…
Shannon: Well, let’s go walkin’ and wishin’ together. Orin: Together?
Shannon: Together!
We’d have a pool and a sauna
and the guys at Benihanas,
At youth group they’d make us lobster and steak, just Walkin’ in our wishin’ wonderland.
Orin: You mean, I’d never ever ever ever ever ever have to eat pizza ever again? Shannon: No Orin, never.
Orin: Wow!
And we’d pay off all the coaches
At the high school which encroaches on ev’ry event we plan ev’ry lent, Walkin’ in our wishin’ wonderland.
Orin: Wait, could we pay them off all year long, and like the band director and everyone else too?
Shannon: Sure!
Then in our fifteen-thousand seat arena we’d have praise and worship ev’ry night! Monday-Wednesday-Friday it’s Matt Maher. Shannon: Chris Tomlin at the others?
Orin: Oh, alright!
We’ll hire people who seem cooler
just to talk to middle-schoolers
And someone else who will play: hunter, bear, karate walkin in our wishin’ wonderland
During Holy Week we’ll play a movie,
Probably “The Passion of the Christ.”
Orin: What if all the teens have lots of questions? Shannon: Jim Caveizel will be there should they arise.
With such success, our pastor’s beamin’
We just might get one whole free weekend
And all alone we will stay, with Downton Abbey all day,
Orin: Hang on, I’m getting a text… it’s my pastor, it says, “Nice prayer at staff meeting, next youth group the pizza’s . . . on him!” Both: Walkin’… in our wishin’… wonderland!