One of Orin’s other hats in life is Co-Assistant Director of the St. Louis Chamber Chorus. He was interviewed recently for an article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about a concert the group is singing this coming Sunday, Palm Sunday: “I’m a church music director (at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows),…
Category: catholicism
catholicism, liturgy, Mary, website
Comments Fixed (In Honor of Mary)
In honor of the Feast of the Annunciation, we fixed the problems (we just learned about) that some Oddblog viewers were having with the comments if they were using IE on windows. (Why anyone would willingly do that to themselves – use IE and/or windows – we’re not sure, but hey, it’s not our place…
AI, catholicism, holiday, saints, video
In Honor of Sts. Patrick and Joseph
In honor of these two holy men we celebrate today (Joseph) and two days ago (Patrick), here’s a rebroadcast of Orin singing two Oddwalk songs appropriate to the occasions:
catholicism, saints, website
Another lolsaints feature
AI, announcements, bingo, catholicism, friends, games, good news, website
Support Katie’s Habit!
Our dear friend, AI classmate, and neighbor Katie is joining a religious order this fall – yay religious life! To do so, however, she must first pay off all her debt and living expenses for her first year with the order. Read the flyer on the left – or visit her “Support Katie’s Habit” blog…
announcements, catholicism, family, friends, Hofinger, keytar, LA Congress, matilda, ministry, music, NCCYM, oddwalkia, prayer, reflection, retreat, shrine, video, website
New Promo Video!
Thinking of hiring Oddwalk? View this new promotional video to see us at our versatile best!
announcements, catholicism, keytar, oddwalkia, technology, website
Site Migration Complete (We Think) – Check it Out!
Yay! Everything in the land of old Oddwalkia has now been brought over here – the blog and what we used to call “the main site” are fully merged! Welcome to our new (and hopefully improved) home on the web! To celebrate, and to help people find their way, there’s a new splash page to…
catholicism, oddwalkia, reflection, scripture, website
Where’d we get that name?
As part of the site migration, we’re also taking some time to update bits of the site as fill in a few gaps. One bit of info that has been noticeably absent from the site is how we came up with the name Oddwalk. So, we created a page to tell people the story, and…