Don’t forget! This Friday night, at St. Margaret of Scotland in St. Louis City (39th and Flad in the Shaw neighborhood) is a bingo fundraiser to help our friend Katie pay off her debt before entering the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Oddwalk will be there as emcees, musical entertainment, and of course,…
Category: catholicism
catholicism, lent
The Most Pontius Pilate of Them All
catholicism, holiday, website
More Facebook-Style Storytelling: Passion and Resurrection
Because we’ve had the request, we found this to share: the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ, told Facebook style. Enjoy!
catholicism, family, holiday, Judaism, odd
Easter Roundup
A couple of Cerneka-related notes from this past Easter weekend. First off, we would like to congratulate Shannon and Erin’s brother-in-law (and all-around Oddwalk friend) Andy Puckett, for his entry into the Catholic Church on Saturday night. We are all very proud of him and wish we could have been there to witness it. The…
catholicism, holiday
Happy Easter!
Rejoice in the resurrection! All shall be well! (Except for that whole Orin-has-to-get-up-at-4:30 thing.) Happy Easter!
catholicism, holiday, lent, liturgy, ministry, music, pOddcast, prayer, reflection, retreat, shrine, travel
pOddcast – Gather at the Cross
On Oddwalk’s recent trip to Bermuda to lead retreats, both days of retreats we ended with a closing prayer where we invited the students to gather around a large wooden cross we had found backstage in their theater. We invited the teens to pray, and reflect that while the cross of Christ is heavy, and…
catholicism, liturgy, poll, prayer
New OddPoll – Triduum Liturgies
Yeah, we’re more-or-less geeks when it comes to this most sacred time of year – we like to pray with the Church, pray often, and pray well. These unique liturgies are all beautiful, and devotions like the Stations of the Cross add to the solemnity and spirituality of the time. We probably each have our…