Well, we’re back at it again with Clay Imoo, our Vancouverite friend. (Remember our betting rivalry from last year, beginning with this post?) Our first wager of the Olympics: Women’s Hockey. Our teams are scheduled to play one another for the gold medal at 4:30 local time on Thursday. USA won their last game against…
Category: announcements
announcements, pOddcast, website
pOddcast Migration Complete – New url, feed
Well, since the closing up shop over at gcast, it’s been an annoying couple days – BUT! The new pOddcast (2.0) is up and running, and you can find it in at least three ways: 1) Our new pOddcast page here at the main site: http://oddwalkministries.com/oddblog/?page_id=5332 2) At iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=355739050 3) In any RSS reader:…
announcements, lent, music, pOddcast
New pOddcast, pOddcast Updates!
Well, shame on gcast – they’ve shut down the uploading of new audio, and hence our pOddcast, at least in that iteration. Bah. But – we’ve already got a new pOddcast set up, right here through WordPress! We’ve posted the player to the bottom of this post too (probably won’t show up when this gets…
announcements, friends, music
MJM CD release concert!
Hey Oddwalkia – a friend of ours, Michael James Mette is coming out with a new CD soon, and is having a big party and video shoot at a roller rink to celebrate! Michael James Mette CD Release Party “Always What I Need” Tuesday February 16th – 7:00 – 9:00 PM Rock Roll-O-Rena 4153 Jeffco Blvd…
announcements, website
Featured at giamusic.com
All – sorry for the lack of posts lately. Coming off of Christmastime, Orin building a manspace in his basement, cutting his finger while doing so (he’s okay), his pet dog getting sick (she’s mostly hopefully okay)… well, it’s been busy. And we’ve all of course been riveted keeping track of the devastation in Haiti……
announcements, christmas, merchandise, oddwalkia, website
Need any Oddwalkia for Christmas?
Just a humble suggestion: don’t forget to drop by the Oddwalk Merchandise Store to pick up CDs, music books, shirts, Fair Trade Items, buttons, or stickers for Christmas giving. Orders placed by December 17 will be delivered in time for the holiday. Shipping is cheap too!
announcements, technology, website
Social Networking Links Added
At the bottom right of each Oddblog post (and page, to get technical) are little widgets to help you share items on various sites and in various ways. Hopefully they show up in the RSS feed too, this post will test that, I guess. Left to right, they are: Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and under the…
announcements, christmas, iTunes, music, odd, parody, pOddcast, video
The Christmas Shoes Parody – Free Downloads!
Is there one certain song at Christmastime, that if you never heard it again it would be too soon? Well for us and some of our friends and acquaintances, it’s a song about a young boy trying to buy his dying mom some shoes on Christmas Eve. You know the one. Well, our gift to…