Oddwalk Ministries

Category: announcements

pOddcast Migration Complete – New url, feed

Well, since the closing up shop over at gcast, it’s been an annoying couple days – BUT!  The new pOddcast (2.0) is up and running, and you can find it in at least three ways: 1) Our new pOddcast page here at the main site: http://oddwalkministries.com/oddblog/?page_id=5332 2) At iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=355739050 3) In any RSS reader:…

MJM CD release concert!

Hey Oddwalkia – a friend of ours, Michael James Mette is coming out with a new CD soon, and is having a big party and video shoot at a roller rink to celebrate! Michael James Mette CD Release Party “Always What I Need” Tuesday February 16th – 7:00 – 9:00 PM Rock Roll-O-Rena 4153 Jeffco Blvd…

Featured at giamusic.com

All – sorry for the lack of posts lately. Coming off of Christmastime, Orin building a manspace in his basement, cutting his finger while doing so (he’s okay), his pet dog getting sick (she’s mostly hopefully okay)… well, it’s been busy. And we’ve all of course been riveted keeping track of the devastation in Haiti……