Hello all, Orin here. I realized as I sat down to craft this week’s Jesus-Justice-Joy post that Shannon and I have been remiss in letting you know a bit of exciting news. In addition to the book that will be coming out this July sometime, we’ve also both been writing new music, and incorporating some…
Category: WLP
announcements, bible, catholicism, friends, GIA, iTunes, Jesus, JesusJusticeJoy, LCF, liturgy, ministry, music, NCCYM, OCP, odd, reflection, saints, scripture, technology, WLP
The Liturgical Composers Forum: Pointing to Jesus
Starting tonight, Orin (today’s blogger) will again be attending the 20th annual Liturgical Composers Forum in suburban St. Louis. This gathering was begun by Fr. John Foley, SJ two decades ago, at the time a program of the now largely non-existent Center for Liturgy at SLU. These few days bring together some of the most familiar…
catholicism, family, friends, good news, Jesus, JesusJusticeJoy, lent, liturgy, music, oddwalkia, prayer, reflection, WLP
Sir We Would See Jesus
I started writing songs in 1995, when I was twenty years-old. I truly had no idea what I was doing, of course. I knew I liked the challenge of creating something new, but lacked any real knowledge of poetry and/or music theory. In those days, I would simply write the best song I could and…
announcements, catholicism, friends, good news, JesusJusticeJoy, Joy, Judaism, ministry, music, NCYC, reflection, Twenty-Third Publications, WLP
Ongoing Creation
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: 306 God is the sovereign master of his plan. But to carry it out he also makes use of his creatures’ co-operation. This use is not a sign of weakness, but rather a token of almighty God’s greatness and goodness. For God grants his creatures not only their…
catholicism, Christpower, good news, iTunes, lent, liturgy, merchandise, ministry, music, oddwalkia, prayer, review, WLP
Oddwalk and Our New CD Feature Article
From the March 4, 2016 edition
On March 4, we and our new CD Mercy at Work were featured in a news article in the Catholic Missourian, the newspaper of the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO. The story talked at length about the music on the new CD, and how it shows a side of us that some people aren’t aware of, at least as much as they might be aware of our silly and fun side. Thanks to editor Jay Nies for the write-up. A few ways to check it out:
To visit the webpage of the article (at least for now), click here!
To see a pdf of the article as it appeared in the papers, click the photo or click here
announcements, catholicism, family, friends, good news, ministry, music, oddwalkia, reflection, video, WLP
Playing Catchup
Hey folks – just a few updates for you, exciting things have been happening!
Any Given Sunday – Shannon had a reflection there recently for Divine Mercy Sunday, and Orin will in a couple weeks. Check out Shannon’s here.
Another Publication! – Orin has another piece in print at WLP, “The Lord Is My Shepherd” – a choral setting of Psalm 23 he wrote for his last Shrine mass about 3 years ago. Check out the sample score and listen to a bit of audio here.
Week of the Young Child Concert – For the 10th anniversary of this celebration, Orin joined Shannon and Chris & Isaiah Korte for a program in Kirksville MO, and we all were featured on the local news! Watch below.
announcements, good news, lent, liturgy, ministry, music, oddwalkia, pOddcast, WLP
“Gather at the Cross” Published by WLP!
Exciting news! A piece written by Orin for the Good Friday adoration of the cross has been published by World Library Publications! It’s titled “Gather at the Cross” and has been sung for the last few years at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, and now at Sts. Joachim and Ann, where Orin is Director of Music Ministries. It’s also been featured in a pOddcast here before.
At WLP’s site, you can view sample pages and here a sample of Audio recorded by their in-house folks.
Here’s the page for the piece at WLP: Gather at the Cross
And here’s a direct link to the audio sample: audio
Or, just click the play button below to listen to the audio streaming from WLP’s site right here!
I (Orin) am grateful to begin this relationship with WLP, just as Oddwalk continues in relationship with GIA and the music and recordings we have through them. Stay tuned – a few more pieces of Orin’s are coming through the pipeline at both GIA and WLP, and we’ll let you know here when they are released.
PS – As part of the piece being published, we’ve had to remove the older audio from our pOddcast – so listen all you want at the link above!