A new Lenten song from Oddwalk, which Orin will use at the Shrine this year! Let us know if you’d like the piano/guitar/harmony parts. Hopefully a simple recording will follow, if Orin has enough time over the next week or so. For now, enjoy, and consider using the prayer – one of repentance and communal…
Category: catholicism
amazing, catholicism, CSW, joke, ministry, music, odd, travel
CSW Recap, with “Bring It Jesus” photo!
What a Crazy Catholic Schools Week! 8 appearances (2 included mass) over 5 days, from Jefferson City MO to Breese, IL and various stops in-between. Perhaps the strangest day was Thursday, when Orin’s keyboard went completely dead 5 minutes into our second concert of the day. Pretty much without warning, and would not turn back…
catholicism, GIA, NCYC, oddwalkia, technology, video
Oddvideo from NCYC!
mycatholicvoice is starting to get video up now from NCYC, and here’s the video of our warmup before Fr. Tony Ricard’s session – just us, and, you know, 7,500 of our closest friends!
announcements, catholicism, friends, ministry, music, pOddcast, technology
Oddwalk on the REAP Team Podcast!
Hey everyone, in preparation for our appearance at the REAP Team benefit concert Dec. 12, we’re featured on this week’s REAP Team podcast (you can hear all of “These Are the Chords…”) along with the other concert artist, Michael James Mette. Check it out! The REAP Team is an awesome retreat ministry in the Archdiocese…
advent, catholicism, music, prayer, video
Some Advent Music
Here are a couple songs of Orin’s for Advent, recorded at a little concert last December (I think we’ve posted them before, but they’re timely once again):
catholicism, friends, ministry, poll
Where do you stand on the crossclap?
What’s the crossclap you ask? When hoards of folks clap along to songs in the shape of a cross, of course. Recently, on twitter, Matt Maher himself declared war on the cross clap, and started a discussion on its merits, demerits, and the shapes those of other faiths might clap in. Where do you stand?…
catholicism, Mary, poll, prayer
OddPoll – Rosary Favorites
So, today is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and we’ve put up a new poll in the sidebar of the blog – which set of mysteries is your favorite? We understand that it may change day to day, moment to moment, but if you had to pick one, which would it be?…
catholicism, friends, joke, shrine, Twitter
And, in fact, we did like it (but not that much).
Here’s an amusing exchange over twitter yesterday, regarding the Shrine’s Youth Day Celebration, where Oddwalk played music, Anne Marie Cribbin emceed/weaver-ed, and Br. Dominic McManus, OP keynoted. (Because it’s a pic, the usual links don’t work.) Bob Rice chimes in with an observation about the dance which ended the night. You do follow us on…