Category: announcements
announcements, website
We think we’ve successfully upgraded the WordPress installation that powers the OddBlog to version 3.0. Let us know if you notice any wonkiness (technical term) other than our usual efforts.
announcements, shrine, YSP
Busy Times
With Shannon on a family vacation, and Orin starting on Youth Sing Praise at the Shrine, posts here will be a little slim for a while. Not that you’ll notice the difference. Keep us all in prayer please!
announcements, friends, merchandise, website
30,001 is our Winner!
As visitor #30,000 failed to identify him-or-herself in the allotted time, we move on to visitor 30,001 to find our $30 in free Oddwalk merchandise winner. This person was much easier to distinguish based on the sitemeter data – and the is winner is… John Rinaldo Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Diocese of…
amazing, announcements, keytar, website
Visitor no. 30,000 was searching for…
… an inflatable keytar. Yes, that’s right. Our potential winning visitor hails from perhaps the Stanford Medical School and/or Redwood City, CA, and at 2:15pm pacific time, came to our blog while searching google for “inflatable keytar” – no kidding. See more incriminating stats to the left. So, should this person identify themselves in the…
announcements, merchandise, oddwalkia, website
100 to 30,000!
We’re just 100 unique visits away from our 30,000th visit to the Oddblog (in various incarnations) since we installed the sitemeter. To celebrate, we are giving the 30,000th visitor $30 in free Oddwalk merchandise! To win, you can’t be us, or any family of Oddwalk – in that case, the next visitor would be declared…
announcements, odd, website
We haven’t blogged in a while.
And, we’re also not entirely sure this post, merely acknowledging that fact, does anything truly to change that. Carry on.
announcements, music, website
“Alright Now” – some online availability
We’ve just noticed that “Alright Now” is starting to be available at some online sources. We’re checking into puzzling details like why our name is listed as “Odd Walk” and one place has us listed only under “Cerneka” and why certain tracks aren’t available (at least yet) for purchase… Anyway, if you’re the sort that…