Youth Sing Praise 2007 is off and running, preparing for the performance of “Joseph” on June 23. Please pray for all our participants and staff, one of whom is Orin, as assistant music director. Shannon has also been involved in the week, in the past, as a youth minister. You can find more info on…
Category: shrine
catholicism, pOddcast, prayer, shrine
pOddcast – Salve Regina
As May is traditionally the month of Mary, on the pOddcast, we’ve added a recording of Orin a number of years ago singing the Gregorian Chant “Salve Regina” known to most folks in English as the prayer “Hail Holy Queen.” Orin had recorded this for an in-house Shrine video on the life of St. Eugene…
announcements, shrine
It is on the other side of the world, after all
Can’t Get to Australia? Make a World Youth Day Pilgrimage to One of the Largest Outdoor Shrines in North America WHEN: July 17 – 20, 2008 WHERE: National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL WHY: To celebrate in conjunction with World Youth Day in Australia WHO: Youth 16 & 17 w/their chaperones,…
announcements, friends, shrine
Happy Birthday Mike!
Hey! It’s Mike Patin’s Birthday today! We believe (though we could be wrong) that he turns 29 today. (That’s him, between Shrine-type friends Donna and Kate.) Mike is one of the nicest people around, a great speaker, a wealth of knowledge on youth ministry and the human condition in general. His website does have a…
pOddcast, shrine
pOddcast – "Share"
New today on the pOddcast: An alternative recording of Share (also recorded by Oddwalk on “Let Us Go…”) from “Songs of Healing and Hope” – the OLS Shrine Choir, © 2002. You can find it in the usual places. Enjoy!
amazing, music, shrine, video
Hallelujah Chorus – with flash cards
Now sure how to get back into our usual fare really, but we’ll try this: Thanks to Gina in Orin’s choir at the Shrine for the tip!
friends, prayer, shrine
Holy Week from a Mother’s View
Pictured on the left is a friend of Oddwalk’s, Nanette Munie Norrenberns. She helped us with last year’s CD “Let Us Go, Rejoicing” and the CD release concert following. Last night, some 500 people gathered at the Shrine to pray the biblical stations of the cross given to the Church by Pope John Paul II…
family, shrine
Way Back When
Killing a few minutes before dinner, digging through some old photos at the Shrine, Orin found this bit of archival material: Orin and his wife (then girlfriend) Erin at a Shrine World Youth Day Anyone care to guess the year?