If you missed it airing back in January, here’s the YouTube clip of our interview which aired on CatholicTV which we recorded at NCYC last fall. Enjoy!
Category: catholicism
catholicism, Christpower, good news, iTunes, lent, liturgy, merchandise, ministry, music, oddwalkia, prayer, review, WLP
Oddwalk and Our New CD Feature Article
From the March 4, 2016 edition
On March 4, we and our new CD Mercy at Work were featured in a news article in the Catholic Missourian, the newspaper of the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO. The story talked at length about the music on the new CD, and how it shows a side of us that some people aren’t aware of, at least as much as they might be aware of our silly and fun side. Thanks to editor Jay Nies for the write-up. A few ways to check it out:
To visit the webpage of the article (at least for now), click here!
To see a pdf of the article as it appeared in the papers, click the photo or click here
catholicism, joke, liturgy, ministry, music, NCYC, oddwalkia, video
A Few NCYC 2015 Videos
Hello Everyone! We had a marvelous time at NCYC, both making music and hanging out at the booth. Here are a few NCYC-related videos for you to enjoy.
First, an “at home” video of a new song we premiered at the NCYC comedy club, “Helping Verbs.”
Next, our super-cut video of all the “Oddwalk This Way” vine videos from the booth!
And last, a video of a song we prayed with at the Friday daily mass, “Have Faith.”
catholicism, liturgy, ministry, NCYC, oddwalkia, travel
Where to Find Us, NCYC 2015
announcements, catholicism, ministry, oddwalkia, reflection, scripture, website
Introducing… Us – Again!
Some of our more observant friends may have noticed an important change happening in the world of Oddwalk lately. In addition to putting the finishing touches on our forthcoming CD, “Mercy at Work“, we are also changing our logo.
For the past almost eleven years (and a few years before that with Shannon’s solo ministry), that goofy face with the crazy hair, big ears, and bucked teeth, has been a familiar sight to those who have followed us. As this ministry has continued to develop, though, it has become increasingly important to us that our logo and marketing materials truly reflect who we are and what we are about. Those who know us know that it isn’t likely we’ll ever lose our joking, fun-loving side. We believe it to be our “foot in the door” as we give presentations, especially when we present for young people. That being said, Oddwalk has become much more than a couple of guys who do fun stuff and can make people laugh. We believe strongly that when we as people of faith surround ourselves with a strong Christian community, participate actively in the life of the Church, and make the mission of Jesus OUR mission, we will no doubt develop a close relationship with Jesus, an ongoing sense of justice for the world around us, and a life filled with joy. We further believe that we, as Oddwalkers, are called to invite young and old alike into such a life, into such a relationship with Jesus and His Church. This is our aim at every retreat, concert, or keynote we give. Everything we are and everything we do is meant to achieve that goal. We believe that this new logo does a better job of reflecting that mission, particularly where the arrow is concerned. In the Gospel of Luke, in the story of the disciples’ walk to Emmaus (a founding scripture passage for us), it was their encounter with Jesus that ultimately compelled them to turn around 180 degrees, back towards Jerusalem (note the blurry road as the backdrop to the logo) and to be witnesses to the Risen Christ. This reality is reflected in the curved arrow, a symbol which will be a central part of how we present ourselves from here on out.
“With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?” So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the eleven and those with them who were saying, “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!” Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” Luke 24:31-35
catholicism, ministry, oddwalkia, reflection, scripture
Another “Any Given Sunday” Reflection
Orin’s thoughts this year on the Ascension are up at Any Given Sunday. Check it out!
“If you’re a regular church-goer, you surely know that the pews are at their fullest on Christmas and Easter. No surprise there. Take a moment and see if you have a guess what the next two most attended Church celebrations might be. Do you have one or two in mind?”
announcements, catholicism, family, friends, good news, ministry, music, oddwalkia, reflection, video, WLP
Playing Catchup
Hey folks – just a few updates for you, exciting things have been happening!
Any Given Sunday – Shannon had a reflection there recently for Divine Mercy Sunday, and Orin will in a couple weeks. Check out Shannon’s here.
Another Publication! – Orin has another piece in print at WLP, “The Lord Is My Shepherd” – a choral setting of Psalm 23 he wrote for his last Shrine mass about 3 years ago. Check out the sample score and listen to a bit of audio here.
Week of the Young Child Concert – For the 10th anniversary of this celebration, Orin joined Shannon and Chris & Isaiah Korte for a program in Kirksville MO, and we all were featured on the local news! Watch below.
advent, announcements, catholicism, christmas, GIA, good news, music, oddwalkia
Another Publication! “An Advent Fantasia”
Orin learned today another piece of his is now in print, back at GIA for this one: “An Advent Fantasia” which combines several advent tunes and texts into what the cool kids a couple years ago called a mash-up. Seriously, it is a prayerful merging of musical and textual ideas, and could even be appropriate as a first prelude on Christmas Eve – you know, not this year, but probably next!
No samples (sheet music nor audio) are posted yet, but you can see the page for the piece and order it by clicking right here!