Hello from Orin… Shannon and I had the privilege of presenting a couple days of retreats for the sophomores of St. Dominic High School in O’Fallon, MO (“Mofallon,” as there’s also an O’Fallon relatively nearby in Illinois), yesterday and earlier today. We were challenged to create a whole new retreat for the days, as some of the students there have also been on other retreats we’ve given (parish confirmation retreats for instance). I’m grateful to Shannon who took on nearly 100% of the work in crafting our new content, tracing a path of “how we see ourselves” to “how others see us” to “how God sees us” to “trying to see others as God might.” Then of course, a final piece on how to live that in day to day life. The days seemed to be successful, and we look forward to presenting this retreat again on other occasions.
It’s a bit corny, and we’re open to other suggestions if anyone knows of a similar-but-better-produced video, but part of the day was spent watching and discussing this brief clip. Perhaps you’ll be able to glean some with of spiritual growth from it too. Enjoy!
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