Oddwalk Ministries

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Preaching in Missouri last weekend

This past weekend, the bishops of the Missouri Catholic Conference decided to ask all of their priests and deacons to direct their homilies toward educating the faithful about Church teaching with regards to stem cell research. This means that, in theory, anyone who attended Mass in Missouri this weekend was presented with a homily on…

Orin & Erin’s 1st Anniversary

We have been married one year and one day as I (Orin) write this… Seems like not that long, honestly, which I guess is better than it feeling more like 10 years! We celebrated with a night at the Renaissance Grand downtown and dinner where we had our reception a year ago. ANd presents and…

Minor Earthquake!

So, Erin and I (Orin) were up watching TV (The Colbert Report) on our new DVR (yay!) about 11pm last night, and suddenly, there’s a bump that lasts about a second or less. I felt the whole house move, so did Erin, probably like 1/32 of an inch or something. It felt as if a…