“One of the great ironies of the [post Vatican II] era is that those who fashion themselves as being most faithful to church law are often the most negligent of the laws and directives regulating the liturgy.” John Huels, Preparing and Celebrating the Paschal Feasts, Chronicle, Jan. 1989
Category: Uncategorized
A Busy Weekend
On Saturday night, Orin and I traveled to South St. Louis to provide entertainment for the TEC Founder’s Dinner. In the St. Louis-area there used to be three TEC centers. They have now combined into one: Spirit of St. Louis TEC. This dinner was one of their first activities as a newly formed center. For…
A journey through God’s creation
A flash-based jourey that starts 10 million light years away from earth and takes you from there all the way to the building blocks of individual atoms. “And it was good.“
We almost have a full album’s-worth now
Click above to find out a little more info on NCYC 2006, Discover the Way / Decubre el Camino. Perhaps the biggest but most expected update: once again, Shannon, Orin, and Oddwalk have not written the theme song. But congratulations to Nick Cardilino and David Smith. No, really. Seriously. Stop looking at us like that.…
Perhaps we spoke too soon…
Pope Abolishes Limbo Dancing
What? Too bad too, we we’re just starting to like the guy. Correction:Pope Abolishes Limbo – not the dancing. Ah, that’s better. Seriously, I like the quote at the end of this linked article:[It is] the heartless doctrine the church now realises it cannot maintain. “Is that trembling cry a song?”
Marianne, you’re very lucky
(Everyone else, we’re not so sure…) We got this email recently from audioblogger: Hello, As of November 1, 2006, Audioblogger will no longer accept phone calls. MP3s made with the service will continue to be hosted and served but you will no longer be able to use Audioblogger to post new audio. Audioblogger is an…
Slightly New Look
Upgraded to the new Blogger Beta. Think everything’s in order. Comment below if you see something missing or have any suggestions!