Oddwalk Ministries

Category: shrine

’08 YSP Update…sort of

Here are a few pictures taken from the first couple of days at Youth Sing Praise. Since I (Shannon) am not actually at YSP this year, I have no frame of reference for these pictures, so I’ll just take a guess as to what’s happening in them: This one’s pretty obvious, although it wouldn’t be…

Lost and Found

Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately. A combination of a lull in the Oddwalk schedule, and usual summer craziness for each of us individually, has contributed to the slowdown. This week, Orin (and wife, Erin) will be helping with another Youth Sing Praise music camp at the Shrine of Our Lady of the…

Here comes MMVIII

Happy New Year! Lots of exciting things await Oddwalk in 2008: Appearances at the LA Congress, the, NCEA conference, putting together another CD with GIA, and the opportunity to present in many different parishes, schools, and dioceses. 2008 also marks the return of Earth Man and the Other Guy! It should be a lot of…

Mary’s Got My Back

Saturday and Sunday this weekend are the two days that make up the Shrine’s Youth Day Celebration. One of the keynoters this year is Sarah Bauer, who is also featured on Oddwalk’s Soon-to-be-released CD, “Walk Away Different.” One of her more popular songs is “Mary’s Got My Back” – and singing that song at the…

A Night at Busch Stadium

Saturday night, Orin’s choir at the Shrine had the honor of singing “God Bless America” before the St. Louis Cardinals game! Here’s a pic Erin H. took of the jumbotron during the singing: And here’s the view Orin had, just before singing, behind home plate: Later, watching the game with friends, Oddwalk friend Mike suggested…