From Orin’s perspective – Shannon’s views will arrive later on today. So, on Saturday, Oddwalk at the Shrine Youth Day Celebration played “Jammin’ with Jesus” as part of our set. Somewhere in the middle of the usual on-stage hysterics involved with a proper keytar solo, Orin’s pants ripped. Not just a little, not just on…
Category: odd
family, odd, travel
Countdown to 200,000 – Update
music, odd, oddwalkia
Zip Zap Rap?
As Oddwalk prepares to launch our new album, it’s worth mentioning that a lot of work went into the artwork, especially the cover: Apparently the same cannot be said for all albums: Click here for a list (according to of the worst album covers of all time.
bible, odd
Suing God?
Nebraska Democratic State Senator Ernie Chambers has decided to go straight to the top in an effort to stop natural disasters from befalling the world.[snip] Chambers says he isn’t suing God because he has any kind of beef with the deity. He says the suit is to fight possible laws restricting the filing of frivolous…
friends, odd
Ahh! My Bubble!
Tonight, Shannon had a youth ministry event in his parish called Prayer, Praise, and Drumsticks (the ice cream). It’s a regularly meeting group that spends time in prayer and fellowship. Once the program ended, they invaded his bubble and snapped a few pictures. Here’s one of the better ones:
friends, odd, oddwalkia
Scenes from a Youth Rally
Diocese of Jefferson City, MO Sr. High Youth Rally, Sept. 16, 2007. Oddwalk served as the house band and music ministers at mass. Bob Perron, on the right, light blue shirt, short hair, leads “the best ice-breaker in the world, ever.” More of the ice-breaker. Only at a youth rally (in a high school gym).…