Oddwalk Ministries

Category: friends

Mary’s Got My Back

Saturday and Sunday this weekend are the two days that make up the Shrine’s Youth Day Celebration. One of the keynoters this year is Sarah Bauer, who is also featured on Oddwalk’s Soon-to-be-released CD, “Walk Away Different.” One of her more popular songs is “Mary’s Got My Back” – and singing that song at the…

Ahh! My Bubble!

Tonight, Shannon had a youth ministry event in his parish called Prayer, Praise, and Drumsticks (the ice cream). It’s a regularly meeting group that spends time in prayer and fellowship. Once the program ended, they invaded his bubble and snapped a few pictures. Here’s one of the better ones:

Scenes from a Youth Rally

Diocese of Jefferson City, MO Sr. High Youth Rally, Sept. 16, 2007. Oddwalk served as the house band and music ministers at mass. Bob Perron, on the right, light blue shirt, short hair, leads “the best ice-breaker in the world, ever.” More of the ice-breaker. Only at a youth rally (in a high school gym).…

Congrats, Emily and Jeff!

Friends of Oddwalk Emily and Jeff got married earlier today, and Shannon and Orin were honored to help provide music ministry at the mass. The youth choir sang some fun preludes before the ceremony! The happy couple greet guests after the mass. Congratulations!