Oddwalk Ministries

Category: catholicism

Rising from the Ashes

Yesterday, I (Orin) and Shannon had the privilege once again of leading music ministry at the Diocese of Belleville Illinois Chrism Mass.  Here are a couple photos of the Cathedral of St. Peter we took yesterday.



It was impossible to be there without superimposing the images which all over the media on Monday of Notre Dame in Paris.

We have found out since Monday that much of the structure as well as precious pieces of art, relics, the organ, the windows, and so much more survived, after the worst was rightly feared.  There is much to clean up of course, and much to rebuild — years and years worth of effort will be needed to restore the magnificent building.

The thought of “restoring a church from its ashes” causes me to ponder other churches in similar contexts.  Several historically black churches in Louisiana have been recently set ablaze and need to be rebuilt for instance.  And the Church which is the body of Christ, the people gathered by Christ himself, whether the Church of Notre Dame, or at these Louisiana congregations, or the Church Universal, needs to be restored and rebuilt as well.

It is of course the time of year when we journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter and, hopefully, have considered prayerfully what it is about our own spiritual lives that needs to be, with Christ’s salvific power, raised from the ashes and created anew.  The best time to begin that process was Ash Wednesday itself, of course.  The second best time is right now.

Blessings to all of you on this most holy time of our year.

What In The World Is Going On In El Paso?

This week, we have a guest-writer for Jesus-Justice-Joy. We are so grateful that immigration attorney with Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, Maryknoll Lay Missioner, and Shannon’s cousin, Heidi Cerneka, has graciously agreed to share a few thoughts from her experiences working with migrant people in El Paso, Texas.  I am Shannon Cerneka’s cousin, currently working…