Oddwalk had a pretty darn good 100+ degree weekend in Chandler, AZ, just outside of Phoenix. Flying in Friday night, on Saturday we keynoted a multi-parish Junior high rally – about 130 youth came, and we all had a great time together. A grandma of one of the kids sent us this note a couple…
Category: catholicism
catholicism, friends, good news, ministry, music, scripture
SVPD Convention Mass
On Saturday, Oddwalk was part, along with many other folks (see picture, left) of the music ministry for the closing mass at the St. Vincent de Paul Society National Convention in St. Louis. There are probably another dozen folks who didn’t make the picture, as Shannon snapped it hastily with his phone at a lull…
catholicism, NCYC, website
mycathoicvoice – NCYC virtual pilgrimage
Folks, not only are we excited to be the featured artist today at mycatholicvoice.com, but we also wanted to make sure you all knew about their NCYC virtual pilgrimage, with lots of cool pics, videos, and soon some free music downloads as well. Gene Monterastelli of Apex Ministries has a podcast going interviewing the speakers…
bible, catholicism, friends, liturgy, ministry, reflection, scripture, technology, YNIA
Sunday Scripture in Wordle
What a great idea! A friend of Orin’s on facebook (in real life, from Young Neighbors Tijuana 2007) posted a note on facebook about throwing the Sunday readings into wordle to get a sense of important themes, repeated words and ideas, etc. Here’s the one she created for this coming Sunday’s readings. How cool! How…
announcements, catholicism, liturgy, ministry, prayer, website
Because we’re both liturgy geeks at heart: http://www.usccb.org/romanmissal/
catholicism, website
Health Care
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has created a website filled with statements, videos, statistics, and pastoral letters to help educate American Catholics with regards to the ongoing discussion about the state of heath care in the US. You can find it at http://usccb.org/healthcare/. Here is the USCCB position on health care reform…
catholicism, odd, prayer, reflection, video
God Bless You (only if you sneeze)!
“When a person sneezes, we say “Bless you.” People do it out of habit and consider it the polite thing to do. We don’t do this when someone belches or passes gas, in fact, people expect them to say “Excuse me” out of such courtesy. However during a sneeze, other people excuse them by blessing…
catholicism, Mary, novena, shrine
Happy Feast Day!
Today, August 5th, is the Feast of Our Lady of the Snows, known today as the Dedication of the Mary Major Basilica in Rome. The early Church was often struggling in its theology, and one of the first debates was on the very nature of Jesus: was he a man, was he God, or was…