Oddwalk Ministries

Oddwalk – Refocused!

Allow us to reintroduce to you: us!  Oddwalk Ministries!  No, we’re the same two guys, the same mix of faith and fun, just refocused now with a message of “Jesus, Justice, Joy.”

JESUS – The man at the core of our ministry, at the core of our Christian faith.  Jesus wants a relationship with each of us personally, and as his ministers, we much help people discover that relationship though his actions in our words and deeds.

JUSTICE – Each of us is made in the image and likeness of God, created to be a place for the divine to dwell.  Once we are able to accept that and see it in others and ourselves, we can never treat another human the same way again.  Treating each person with the dignity they deserve is at the core of who we are.

JOY – In the words of Pope Francis, “You are invited to join in the feast, to the joy of being saved, to the joy of being redeemed, to the joy of sharing life with Christ. This is a joy! You are called to a party!”  Oddwalk through our music and storytelling, tries to embody God’s invitation to each of us.


To go along with our refocus selves is a spiffy new logo.  We hope you like the same-but-new Oddwalk!

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