Oddwalk Ministries

Repent, the Kingdom is at hand!

A couple Lenten tidbits from friends of Oddwalkia – first, D. Scott Miller:

This is our prayer as we begin Lent.

Lord, today, as is each day, is the day of salvation. Now is a very acceptable time. Create within us clean hearts, O God, and renew steadfast spirits within us.

We who know sin seek to be reconciled with You, God. Great is your compassion and your goodness, O Lord, be merciful for we have sinned. Wipe out our offenses, wash away all our guilt, and cleanse us from our sin.

Lord, today, as we should each day, we proclaim a fast. We do this not to win the praise of others, We strive not to be hypocrites blowing our own horn before others. No, no, no, Lord, we desire to return to You with our whole hearts with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Take pity on Your people.

And from comedian Judy McDonald:

And lastly, from us, our new Lenten song, “Fill Us, O God”


Blessed Lent, all!

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