Oddwalk Ministries

Praying for Life

Yesterday, 1,000 teens and chaperones gathered at the Shrine for a send-off mass as they left for the March for Life in Washington, DC.  Pictured below is Karl Zimmerman and the band leading pre-mass music, and Fr. Michael, an OMI visiting from Australia, who told a parable about a starfish.



Once a man and his son were walking along the beach. As they walked,
they noticed the many starfish that the incoming tide had left stranded on
the shore. The child repeatedly knelt, picked up a starfish, and tossed it
back into the sea. Finally, the father said to the boy, “Son, don’t bother
throwing each starfish back. There are so many, and you can’t save
them all. You’re just wasting your time. What you’re doing doesn’t really
matter.” The boy knelt, selected another starfish and replied,

“But it matters to this one.”

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