Monday, July 2: The chapel, set up for morning prayer. Youth preparing food for distribution at a local food pantry. Don’t think American pantry though, this looks much more like a business, with a lot of “unsellable” food donated by large American companies. Youth play with some children at a local orphanage run by the…
Category: travel
travel, YNIA
Young Neighbors in Action – Day One Pictures
So, if anyone was confused a bit by that last post, Orin is helping out as Prayer and Music Coordinator this week for a program called Young Neighbors in Action. They have several sites and weeks for the experience, this one is in Tijuana, MX. This is Orin’s first time helping out, though Shannon and…
travel, YNIA
Hello from Tijuana!
Hi everyone! Orin has arrived safe and sound at Tijuana, MX. We’re staying the week at a retreat center on top of a tall hill, so I get pretty good reception with my treo (Sprint) from the US. I’ll try to report in occasionally. Please pray for me, the staff, the young people and their…
family, travel
Princess Erin
odd, travel
We’re back!
Sorry about the lack of blogging this past week… Oddwalk (and families) was road-trippin’ up to Chicago, working on an “ultra-secret project” — so ultra-secret in fact, that a bunch of you probably already know what it is. If you don’t, don’t worry. All will be made clear as we progress through the year. We…