Oddwalk Ministries

Category: technology

Blogger Play

http://play.blogger.com/ In their own words: Shortly after Blogger launched photo uploading two years ago, one of our engineers whipped up a web page that would show us the pictures that were being uploaded in real time. The result was fun, often beautiful, but above all, compelling. We couldn’t stop watching. Over the years we’ve kept…

Scenes from an iBook Disassembly

Oddwalk’s laptop, the OddiBook, has been in some need of repair for a while. This weekend, Orin claimed it and brought it home, to check things out. He’s confident it can be repaired (fix a power adapter part, replace cd drive, replace battery) and upgraded as along as it’s all apart (bigger hard drive, it’s…

Happy iDay!

Today, at 6pm local time, all across the country, Apple Inc. will unleash it’s iPhone upon the world. (We at the Oddblog are happy to provide this informational service, as we’re certain none of our readers have heard anything at all about the iPhone recently.) The world may never be the same. What have you…