Thanks to Oddwalk friend Ricky for calling this story to our attention – Ricky says: Check this story. MLS player retires to enter seminary in Maryland. He was on a good team too. The now-former professional soccer player had this to say: “After years of discernment, I feel strongly that the Lord has called me…
Category: catholicism
Caption Contest: Burke in Rome
Orin’s friend Jared sent him this photo of a welcome ceremony upon former St. Louis Archbishop Burke’s arrival in Rome. He had some interesting remarks to go along with it. Anyone else care to add captions in the comments?
catholicism, friends
More on our Friend David
Our friend David (whom we’ve blogged about before) has been studying in Rome for a couple years as he prepares to be a priest for the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Here, he’s featured in the USA OMI’s most recent newsletter. Click the graphic to read or to see the photo more closely.
catholicism, joke, website
Full, Conscious, and Active?
Indexed, a blog that tells it like it is with little charts and graphs every day, re-examines that “conscious” part anyway:
catholicism, family, travel
First Communion Fun
Orin’s niece-and-godchild Madelyn celebrated her first communion yesterday in Hokah, Minnesota. The day was filled with unique places and moments. Here are a few: The 2nd-graders around the altar for the eucharistic prayer. After communion, the class sings “His Banner Over Me is Love” The “Reserved Pew” banner, made by Madelyn St. Peter’s in Hokah. See…
catholicism, odd
Into the Heavens? Brazilian Priest Missing After Floating Away Under Hundreds of Helium Balloons
As always, no, we’re not making this up: SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) A Roman Catholic priest who floated off under hundreds of helium party balloons was missing Monday off the southern coast of Brazil. Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli lifted off from the port city of Paranagua on Sunday afternoon, wearing a helmet, thermal suit…
catholicism, pope
Welcome B16!
catholicism, odd, video
Public Transit For All
Thanks to a couple folks who pointed us to this videoclip of a now-pulled commercial regarding the Pope’s upcoming trip to the USA. We don’t find it so offensive, though the Pontiff is wearing cardinal red instead of papish white.