Oddwalk Ministries

Category: reflection

Spiritual Dimensions

One of Orin’s other hats in life is Co-Assistant Director of the St. Louis Chamber Chorus. He was interviewed recently for an article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about a concert the group is singing this coming Sunday, Palm Sunday: “I’m a church music director (at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows),…

Shana Tovah

Shana Tovah is Hebrew for “A good and sweet year” and is the usual greeting for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, which is celebrated by Jews tonight and Tuesday morning this year. As I (Orin) was headed to Temple Shaare Emeth in suburban St. Louis to play at their early service tonight, I passed…

Turn Away From Sin…

…and be faithful to the Gospel. Or, put another way, give up what separates you from God, and put your trust in your Christian community, Jesus’ cross, and his new creation. As we all hopefully are aware, the penitential season of Lent begins today, Ash Wednesday, this year February 6, almost as early as it…